Internal Audit, Ethics & Compliance

University System of Georgia

Clery Act Compliance Program

The 必博体育_2024年欧洲杯下注 of Regents (必博体育_2024年欧洲杯下注) of the University System of Georgia (USG) has established a System-level Clery Act Compliance Program (Program). The Program is intended to assist institutions in Clery Act compliance activities.

The primary functions of the Program are to:

  • Provide training and guidance on Clery Act compliance requirements.
  • Assist USG institutions in developing, implementing, and maintaining a collaborative approach to the Clery Act in support of achieving safer campuses for all campus communities.

The USG Clery Act Compliance Program is part of the Ethics & Compliance Program under the Office of Internal Audit, Ethics & Compliance, which reports to the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Ethics & Compliance and the USG Clery Act Committee.

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