Strategic Implementation

Operations Division


Q: "How can I submit a project for consideration as a Strategic Implementation project?"

A: University System Office managers and department heads can request SI assistance on a project via our Project Intake Form.

Q: "How are Strategic Implementation projects selected?"

A: SI facilitates an annual project intake process based on fiscal year-end, whereby executive leadership reviews and approves projects for inclusion in our portfolio. To allow sufficient time for the project intake process, project requests need to be submitted to our office in December. Unplanned or emergency project requests will be considered by leadership on a case-by-case basis.

Q: "How does SI communicate project progress to leadership?"

A: There are two primary avenues for SI-related project governance 必博体育_2024年欧洲杯下注 which project progress is shared with leadership:

SI Project Managers provide updates to project-specific leadership and project leads at project-specific core team meetings, which occur (at a minimum) monthly.

SI Leadership provides updates to executive leadership at the monthly SI Project Governance Meeting.

Q: "What primary project management tool does the OSI use to support projects?"

A: SI utilizes Smartsheet as a standardized workspace and information hub where project managers can implement structure, document, manage, track, and maintain all project-related items.