Strategic Implementation

Operations Division

OneUSG Careers

Project Status

Complete for 24 institutions July 2022, GSU and UGA implementation on hold pending Unified ERP decision and direction.

Project Overview

The objective of the OneUSG Careers project is to provide standardized solutions to all USG Institutions for four majors areas of talent management:

Recruitment/Talent Acquisition: Attract, select, and appoint suitable candidates for positions.

On-必博体育_2024年欧洲杯下注ing: Complete necessary HR administrative paperwork for new hires.

Manager Self-Service: Allow managers to request and obtain approval for changes to job data or positions.

Performance Management: Facilitate employee performance evaluations.

Project Benefits

Provides an improved employee experience, reduction in the risk of data errors, better tracking of personnel actions, and improved efficiency by automation of several processes.

Provides one set of uniform business procedures, policies, and practices within a governed and supported single software solution, utilizing one set of vendors to provide complimentary service offerings.